Saturday 13 January 2018

Spine chilling journey of Climate Change in Morteratsch Glacier

When we crossed the Morterarsch Rail station, a cute train master welcomed to lead us to the trail of Morterarsch glacier!

As the trail starts, we were flabbergasted by the green and yellow pine trees standing tall on both sides of the trail with a beautiful river flowing alongside it.

Stunning Scenery isn't it?

Lest we know that this 5 km trail in Morteratsch is going to take us on a heart breaking journey of how Climate have changed in the past 100 years and how we are ignorant of the fact by not heeding any attention to it.

Head on over to know how this beautiful scenery gave us a thought provoking journey on climate change. 

Nothing in nature is a better indicator of climate change than a glacier's length change.

Knowing this, the Glaciers in Switzerland have been measured every five years since 1878.

Morterarsch glacier, being a popular skiing destination and one of the largest glaciers of Switzerland, have also been measured every five years.

Morterarsch glacier had it's maximum size in the years of 1850-1860(Little Ice age). 

In those years, it is said that the terminus of the glacier was almost near the present day Morterarsch railway station.

This is a story of a glacier which once worked their way to the valley, have been retreating back ever since 1880.

"Locals claim that it's the only place where you can reach a glacier from a wheelchair"

You can even do cycling
True to the above fact a well laid trail takes you to this beautiful glacier.

Signs along the trail at every five years juncture, indicating how far the glacier retreated every five years makes the trail captivating.

Though the glacier have been retreating since 1880, the retreat was slow in the earlier years.

The spine chilling part of this hike is that how fast the glaciers have been shrinking in the recent years(Say from 2000).

If you observe closely during your hike, you will see that how the height of the flora is decreasing when you hike your way to the Glacier and how there is no vegetation at all in the place where the ice had just melted off.

Morterarsch glacier, being an important source of water, when rains are scarce, the retreat in the recent years have bothered the locals so much.

Eager to save their prized economic asset, locals have taken measures to preserve the treasure that was given to them in this fascinating Alphine landscape.

"For the people of today as well as those of 2050 and beyond: Look at the glacier and thus into your own future!" 

They have commissioned a team of Swiss and Dutch researchers to curb the glacier retreat.

Researcher's plan is to regrow receding Morterarsch glaciers by blowing artificial snow on top of it.

The major effect of Artificial snow will be to reflect the sunlight falling on it there by protecting the ice beneath it.

Let's hope this works out to save their prized possession.

But what are we going to do for all the damages we had done?

Just imagine how day in and day out, we just simply ignore the climatic changes that is happening around us!

But this hiking indeed reinforced the hard core truth about the effects of Global warming.

As much bad has
 already been done to our beautiful earth, let's atleast take our time to realize what is happening around us and do our best to save our earth from further damage.

It can even start with a very simple way of carrying a cloth/paper bags for shopping and thus saying no to plastic bags!
 in early 2000 Source : Google
In 2009. Source : Google
The quoted line below is one of the many lines in the educative trail of Morterarsch glacier that have touched me. 
Morterarsch Glacier 2017
"Let's be frank : the glacier and mountains of the upper Engadine doesn't need us. But we need them: as source of vigour, as teacher, healer and inspirer, as economic factor, work and leisure space - as LIFEBLOOD"

The lines are not only meant for the Upper engadin region alone. It's for everyone to understand that Nature is the only lifeline for anyone on Earth.

This educative trail in Morterarsch glacier is the need of the hour.

Good to know!

The trail starting point can be reached either by train or car from Pontresina or St Moritz.

This hike starts right opposite to the Morteratsch Railway station.

The trails are well marked in two to three languages (English too).

There are sign boards kept all along the hike giving people information about the Glacier retreat.

It is advised not to go beyond the safe marking zone of the hike.

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