Thursday 4 October 2018

Kolkata - A Foodie paradise

Kolkata being a foodie’s paradise, we were confused to choose among the incredible variety of Bengali cuisine. We had plethora of street foods to be tasted along with excess of sweets to be savored.

Let me list out the few foods we had in our Kolkata trip.

Bengali Thali and Sonish Elish in Bhojahori Manna
We headed to Bhojahori Manna for treating our taste buds with an authentic Bengali food. We ordered a Bengali thaali and a Sonish Elish fish(Though smelly, it was yummy)
Bengali Thali and Sonish Elish(Top right corner)

Kolkata Biryani
When the king of Awadh was dethroned and exiled to Kolkata from Lucknow by British, it is said that the king brought his team of culinary artists to Kolkata because of his indulgence in food. 
Eventually due to scarcity of money, potatoes have been added to the biryani, to reduce the meat content.

Voila! That's how the Kolkata biryani had born!

We first stopped by Zeeshan in park street to try their palatable biryani. As we were not completely satisfied with the taste, we headed to Arsalan, Kolkata’s best hotel for biryani. We stood in queue for more than half an hour to delight in their heavenly biryani. It was all worth the wait. 
Arsalan Briyani
The marinated piece and boiled potato in the biryani literally melted into my mouth. My mouth is full on drooling even while mentioning about it in my blog. 

Sattu ki litti
Litti atta sattu snack with smashed potato. We had it in a local shop while pandal hopping. Slurpp! It was yummy.

For the Love of Puchkas 
Stuffed with a mash up of potato, coriander and chilly, these lip smacking puchkas dipped in the tamarind water are an all time favorite for me. Golgappas. It was quite impossible for a person like me to stop eating them(24 Puchkas for dinner-Not a bad count!!).

No doubt Bengalis are sweet-toothed. From Rasagulla to Gulab jamun to Langcha, they have so many varieties of sweet dishes to savour. When our friend's mom presented us with Langcha(famous bengali sweet) even for lunch, we instantly got to know how much sweet serves as an integral part in Bengali food.

Aloo Dum 
We got to taste Aloo dum in the dinner after visarjan in our friend’s home. After relishing it, we were asking the apartment people for the exact recipe of it. It tasted best with roti.

Kolkatta Kati Roll  
How one can leave Kolkata without taking in the pleasure of relishing the spicy Kolkata Rolls? On the last day of our trip, we had our tasty Kolkatta Kati rolls in “The Tiffin Box”.
Mishti Doi 
fermented sweet doi made from milk and jaggery. A bengali cuisine can never get completed without this sweet mishti doi.

From Kolkata Roll to Golgappas, everything we had in Kolkata trip was mouth-watering. I should confess that I literally went on a binge in this trip.

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