Thursday 10 August 2017

Day trek in Uttari betta

Myself and one of my friend whom I met in Sharavathi valley trek had been thinking of planning a trip or a trek together.

Being on a tight schedule, we had decided to chance ourselves upon a day trek near Bangalore. And finally zeroed on Uttari Betta Trek!

90 kms from the metropolitan city Bangalore, lies the Uttari village, which is the starting point of our 5 km trek.
Fort Wall
After a short hill climb entering the fort wall, we made it to the temple overlooking the stunning views of valley below. 
Stunning View of  valley
Candid click of a fellow trekker
There are steps carved in the hill till the temple.

After which, it is trekking through the rocky trail to experience a grassland on top of the hill.
Trek Trails
That’s not the end of the trek. Behold! The best part is reserved to the last.

Few boulders have settled in such a way that there is a little space for the people to crawl in and push themselves up further to top of the rock. It was fun crawling and climbing the cliff through that small space.
Crawling through the little space among boulders
While waiting for others to climb, I got introduced to a trekking family of four(Mom, dad, daughter and son). I was flabbergasted to know that they had gone for Roopkund trek together last year. 

When I was interacting with the 10 year old kid, adding to my already surprised soul, he said his ambition is to become a mountaineer. For a moment, I felt proud about their parents for encouraging such unique carrier paths chosen by them.
After everyone climbed, there awaits the Rappelling and Rock climbing sessions. Having done Rappelling and Rock climbing in Rishikesh five years back, I was too expectant of this trek to try those both once again.

Instructions part were done. It was time to do rappelling. Yey!! Here's me doing Rappelling in Uttaribetta.

The tricky part of rappelling in that place was that the boulder was caving in as you descend down it. You have to remember that part while keeping your leg behind.

I didn’t attempt to do rock climbing here, as it seemed risky. Having engaged to my love, a week back, I let the adventurous soul of mine to rest in peace with just rappelling.

We descended down after having our lunches. Happy us after completing another trek together!

Overall Trip cost - INR 1500
Month of trip - Feb'17
No of  days - 1 Day

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