Wednesday 16 August 2017

In the Abode of Clouds - Meghalaya

Are you someone who dreams of travelling to the far East of India? Stop not, head to any state in North East, I promise you will have memories to cherish for your lifetime​.

Read further to know my tryst ​with the Scotland of East, Meghalaya.

Our flight landed in Guwahati. We were super excited to kick start our vacation. Our driver was already waiting to pick us up from Guwahati airport. It took us around 4-5 hours to reach Shillong from Guwahati.

The drive was scenic through lush green forest with several glimpses of Barapani Umiam lake.

Interesting part of the journey was that while on your way to Shillong, you would see Assam on one side of the lane and Meghalaya on other side of lane. Interesting isn't it?
Ward's lake
We headed first towards Ward's lake. This lake is ideal for an evening getaway with boating facilities available. Do try the Khasi traditional dress for rent. If you are on a tight itinerary, you can skip this lake.

In Khasi traditional dress.
After strolling the lake clicking pictures, we headed to Police Bazaar on a shopping spree.

Stay : Hotel Poinisuk

Mawsynram – The Wettest place on earth
Next day morning, our car drove into the swirling clouds with zero visibility beyond 100 meters. When you are in the abode of clouds, what else can you expect? It looked like a misty wonder land. 

For all those people who think Cherrapunjee is the wettest place on earth. Naah! Mawsynram is the wettest place on earth currently, which receives rainfall almost everyday. Everywhere you go in Mawsynram is picture perfect.

If you are an adventure junky, you can do caving in Mawjymbuin cave. There is a huge formation of stalgamite in the shape of 'Shivlinga' in Mawjymbuin cave. We heard from the local people that they believe that Shivlinga is growing continuously.

On our way back, we pitstopped at two scenic places. The first one was supposed to be a view point. But due to mist, we couldn't witness the views. Nevertheless the misty place was enough for us to give some romantic time.

The second one was a small hill we trekked which offered some stunning views.

If you are intending to return back to Shillong, you can opt to visit Elephant falls and shillong peak, as it is on the way back to shillong. Shillong peak was nothing more than the view of shillong city from the highest peak of shillong.
View from Shillong peak
The elephant falls has got three stages of waterfalls. Third stage of waterfall really looked majestic. But you can't take bath in the waterfalls.
Elephant Falls
Stay : Hotel Poinisuk

Maphlang is yet another beautiful place which has got lot of trekking opportunities. Do check the Khasi Heritage village in Mawphlang.

Look at the authentic architechture of Khasi tribes.

David Scott trail 
This 14km heritage trail is named after David Scott, one of the earliest British explorers of the region who tried to find a route from Bangladesh to Assam through the Khasi hills.

Our guide was an enthusiastic person who kept us engaged all through out the trek.You will be surprised to know that the crown in our head was his creativity using the fern leaves. He was informative as well as energetic.
The King and Queen of Jungle
We reached a small village where we had noodles to satiate our hungry tummy.
Panaroma shot by our guide
True to the lines ‘Happiness is the journey not the destination’. David Scott trail trek took us through varied terrains from mountains to valleys crossing rivers and bridges. Trek trail was indeed a treat to our eyes.
Trek Trails
Our driver was waiting at the trek finishing point. From there, our journey to Cherrapunjee started. The route was so scenic, that we even forgot the tiredness of trekking.

If you feel this 14km trek would be hectic, you can try another famous short trekking trail through secret garden.

Stay : Kutmadan

Waterfall Hopping in Cherrapunjee
With the list of falls in our hand, we decided to visit Nokhalikai falls first next day morning. Nokhalikai falls being a popular one, didn't disappoint us. The breath taking view of the valley with various falls in the backdrop was indeed a great sight. 
Hey! Don’t miss to go further from the viewpoints and shops, there is a fabulous location for photoshoot. We idled away our time taking umpteen number of photographs.

We bid adieu to the Nokhalikai falls and went to Mawsmai caves. Caving was fun except for the fact that it was too crowded. Mawsmai cave is a commercial one. The longest caving route was closed due to some reasons. We just went through the shorter one. 

If you are serious about caving, head to jainitia hills which harbours hundreds of cave passages making it an ultimate caving destination in Meghalya.

Ecopark is at a 1 km detour on our way to Mawsmai caves. When we went, Eco park was under construction. Falls portion of the Ecopark was pretty good
Eco park
We hopped next to Seven Sister waterfalls for having our late lunch with a view of falls and valley.
Google Source 
All these touristy falls you visit are just view-points. Though the viewpoints are great to take a memorable photo or two, that’s not what I have gone for.

Read further to know the untouched real beauty of Meghalaya. 

Stay : Kutmadan
Resort was good but food could have been better.

Root Bridges 
Such is the case in Meghalaya, where instead of building concrete bridges to cross rivers, the tribes have managed to architect one of the world's man made Marvels, called the Living Root Bridges.

Nongriat Village – Double Decker Root bridge

Double decker trek comprises around 3000 steps except for few plain stretches in between. Trek starts with climbing down the vertical steps with a stopover at the longest root bridge. 
Longest Root Bridge
The trek passes through numerous streams, hanging bridges, remote villages, lush green forests encompassing the scenic beauty of the Khasi Hills. 

While trekking our way to Nongriat, we stumbled upon a guy from Bangalore and a girl from Italy. The guy was on a road trip and they both got introduced in shillong and started travelling together.

See! You are never alone in this world.

We crossed lot of bridges both root bridges as well as Iron bridges​. I should admit that the iron bridges were scarier than the root bridges.

After trekking for around 4-5 hours, there you go – DOUBLE DECKER ROOT BRIDGE. 

Source : Google
There is a pool of water formed by the water gushing from the river. A brilliant place to play with your buddies. Luckily for us, when we went, everyone has left,making the pool all for ourselves. How did I forget to mention! You can enjoy a natural fish pedicure in the pool. 

For those who think, Nongriat is just about the Double decker root bridge. Sorry! There is much more to this beautiful village. Look over for the beautiful side of Nongriat.

Stay : Village Rest House 
A very basic accommodation near double decker root bridge.

Rainbow Falls
Having trekked all the way to Nongriat, don’t miss the offbeat falls in the village. Try staying in the village for a night to visit some unadultered falls. One such offbeat falls is rainbow falls.

Next day morning, we started trekking to rainbow falls. We were little disappointed when our guide told that we cannot enter the falls as it is dangerous. But the view was so beautiful that we got over our disappointment. We both stood hand in hand looking at the falls and enjoying the sprinkles of gushing water at our face.

On our way back to Village, we happened to meet the same Bangalore guy again. Thanks to him for tipping us about the secret pool on our way back. 

Voila!! Straight out of the fairy tale, there comes a sapphire blue colored secret pool all for ourselves. We jumped onto the pool to relish ourselves.

We reached back our rest house and prepared ourselves for trekking up to the starting point.

Trekking back was really tough, as it was more of climbing the steep steps. We were taking rest after climbing every 50 steps. Somehow we made it to the vehicle parking point. But the unadultered falls are worth all the pain. 

Stay : La Kuppar Inn
The best thing about this hotel is the mouth-watering food.

To the Cleanest village in Asia – Mawlynnong
Hurray! Heading to Mawlynnong village!

On our way to Mawlynnong, we passed through lush green trails of East Khasi hills and made a stop-over at Mawkong View point for some spell bounding views.
Mawkong View point
Dawki – To the Land’s end
Those who are making it to Mawlynnong, don’t forget to make your way to Dawki, a beautiful village right on the Indo-Bangladesh Border, known for its crystal clear waters of Umngot river.

We had our lunch in a restaurant nearby and went for a boat ride in the pristine waters of Umngot river.

A blissful boat ride will splurge you to experience the beauty of this place. On a clear day, you will feel as if you are riding on an invisible river. Such clear water makes the boat ride exciting.
The boat ride also includes a pit-stop on an island. The island was picturesque. White sands with the backdrop of lush green cliff. There is camping option available too.
The view of boat from atop the cliff. I regret not having a telephoto lens. With the focal length of 55MM, I couldn’t do justice to the beauty of the scene. 
Dawki, being a stone throw from Bangladesh,a visit to Indo-Bangladesh border is a must.

Disclaimer : Boat charges in Umngot river are exorbitant. INR 500 per boat.
Somewhere on our route to Mawlynnong
A Magical paradise 80km from Cherrapunjee is home to the tribes of Khasi hills. From cleanliness to greenery, the villagers take extreme care in maintaining their space. 

Believe me! Everyday volunteers sweep the streets of their village with pride. When we went for a stroll around 7 am, we were stunned to see group of kids going around picking plastic papers from the streets. Such is their discipline. No wonder it is called “The Cleanest Village in Asia”

I should admit apart from being the cleanest, the village was one of the prettiest. Be it the house or the garden around the house, there is some charm the Khasi people have added, which made the village full of life.

The villagers have their own way to casts spell on every traveler who visit this God’s own garden.
A Traditional thatched hut
Nice Sit out
Those who cannot trek to double decker root bridge, can opt to see living root bridges in Mawlynnong. There is also a sky view point from where you can see plains of Bangladesh.
View of Bangladesh plains
Pitcher Plant
After breakfast, we started our journey to Guwahati from Mawlynnong. Enroute, we had planned to go on a boat ride in Umiam lake. But due to heavy rain, we couldn’t do boat ride in Umiam lake. So we headed straight to Guwahati for next day morning flight. 

We were really blown away by the charming beauty of this humble state.

Meghalaya is like a magic box which unfolds different surprises to different travellers.

Take a trip yourself to see what this magic box has got in store for you.

No of days of Trip - 9 days
Cost of Trip - INR 42000
Month of Trip - June'17

Thursday 10 August 2017

Day trek in Uttari betta

Myself and one of my friend whom I met in Sharavathi valley trek had been thinking of planning a trip or a trek together.

Being on a tight schedule, we had decided to chance ourselves upon a day trek near Bangalore. And finally zeroed on Uttari Betta Trek!

90 kms from the metropolitan city Bangalore, lies the Uttari village, which is the starting point of our 5 km trek.
Fort Wall
After a short hill climb entering the fort wall, we made it to the temple overlooking the stunning views of valley below. 
Stunning View of  valley
Candid click of a fellow trekker
There are steps carved in the hill till the temple.

After which, it is trekking through the rocky trail to experience a grassland on top of the hill.
Trek Trails
That’s not the end of the trek. Behold! The best part is reserved to the last.

Few boulders have settled in such a way that there is a little space for the people to crawl in and push themselves up further to top of the rock. It was fun crawling and climbing the cliff through that small space.
Crawling through the little space among boulders
While waiting for others to climb, I got introduced to a trekking family of four(Mom, dad, daughter and son). I was flabbergasted to know that they had gone for Roopkund trek together last year. 

When I was interacting with the 10 year old kid, adding to my already surprised soul, he said his ambition is to become a mountaineer. For a moment, I felt proud about their parents for encouraging such unique carrier paths chosen by them.
After everyone climbed, there awaits the Rappelling and Rock climbing sessions. Having done Rappelling and Rock climbing in Rishikesh five years back, I was too expectant of this trek to try those both once again.

Instructions part were done. It was time to do rappelling. Yey!! Here's me doing Rappelling in Uttaribetta.

The tricky part of rappelling in that place was that the boulder was caving in as you descend down it. You have to remember that part while keeping your leg behind.

I didn’t attempt to do rock climbing here, as it seemed risky. Having engaged to my love, a week back, I let the adventurous soul of mine to rest in peace with just rappelling.

We descended down after having our lunches. Happy us after completing another trek together!

Overall Trip cost - INR 1500
Month of trip - Feb'17
No of  days - 1 Day