Tuesday 13 September 2016

Prince Charming

When I was thinking of penning down my solo birthday trip this year, my thoughts had taken me two years down the memory lane.

I was about to turn 25. Weird longings were swirling in my brain. Birthday directly under stars, soaking up myself in the surreal nature, enjoying the serene peace of jungles. Yeah I wanted to go on a trek to some beautiful lush green trail. By the way, did I make it?

It’s a big “NOOO”.

I was having the fear of unknown. Like every South Indian girl, I ranted about being born a girl. I waited for my Prince Charming to take me on an epic trip.

There I was two years back thinking of being born a guy to have explored all the places by myself.

Then came my DSLR. Having invested a lump some amount on my DSLR, all I wanted was to make the best use of it. I backpacked to so many places in India just to explore and click the glory of it.

Yes. I was hit by a travel bug.

A travel bug which had literally made me on toes, reading lot of travelogues, wanting to visit every single place on earth, packing and unpacking my backpack to various places in India, joining a group of like minded strangers for a trek had become a way of life for me.

For all those girls who are still thinking I should have born a guy to have explored more.

Break the rules..
Cross the bar..
Sail away from the safe harbour..
World is all yours to explore..
Travel… To add little flavor to your normal life..
Stop procrastinating and Start Exploring..

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