Thursday 31 March 2016

Solo Trek to Sharavathi Valley

“When the world seems dreary and without promise, and one thing after another has gone wrong, just walk up, step to the edge and see the world below. You will realize the true meaning of life.”

Booking for the trek alone was the best decision I had ever taken at that moment, having gone through a lot for the past three months. How much ever hard I tried, I ended up thinking the same thing which I badly wanted to forget.

Sometimes you feel life is not so fair. You would start to feel all the negativity. You would feel that the world is not a better place to live. Just hold on for a moment.

“Your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come.”

Paths may be harder. But the beautiful scenery down there is just worth the strenuous trek. One thing which I learned after this trek is “World is so big. It’s we who narrow down to few. Just let yourself enjoy the ride. It’s all worth it.”

Here comes the day 0 of my trek

I was the first one to report at BMC, Indira nagar at 09:00 pm. It was a small modular office with enthusiastic faces. I even saw a women trek lead for Kunti betta.

At 9:15 pm, I was inside the Tempo traveller alone. At first, three guys had entered (I had no clue that I would make good friends with them the very next day). Further two couples had entered. Then four Tamilians had got in. I started listening to songs wondering at my decision of travelling alone. “Will I end up travelling without a company?” I badly wished I would see one solo traveller like me. But there wasn’t one. Finally two girls had turned up and one was generous enough to sit next to me. I switched off the music to have some conversation with them. We talked for some time and then dozed off.

Next day morning 6 am, we got down in Shimoga for refreshments. There I met another two girls with proper trekking gear. I was wondering whether they were avid trekkers. I was little hesitant to start the conversation(But at the end of the trek, we turned out to be very good friends). After interacting with them, I got to know that they were also beginners. Just that they bought trekking bags exclusively for this trek. After breakfast, we started in TT with packed lunch to the trek starting point.
3 kms of walking in plain terrain
Our trek to Veegi falls started around 11 am. The initial part of the trek was just a walk in the park kind, walking in plain terrain, crossing few small streams. We reached a local house after 3 kms of walk. Least that we know the real trek starts from this point only.
Holding on to roots to trek down
We started trekking down the valley. We were holding on to the roots of trees to get down and fellow trekkers were helping one another in descending down, we finally reached the veegi falls after an arduous trek.
Veegi falls, a virgin falls
As soon as we reached, I rushed to the falls and took shower directly in the soothing chill water of the falls. Gushing descent of water from Veegi falls was worth the strenuous trek. After spending an hour in falls, we had our lunch enjoying the view of the falls.
We started to trek up the valley. Trekking up was much easier than trekking down. All we had to do was just pull ourselves up holding the roots of the trees. We relaxed in the local  house until all our fellow trekkers arrived.                                                               

Yeyyy!!! Off to Jog falls now.
Long pending wish of mine to visit India’s second highest waterfall - Jog falls had turned to reality finally. But since it wasn’t a monsoon season, jog falls was not in full flow.
Jog Falls:):)
Sharavathi Island

Last but not the least. We reached Sharavathi island around 10 pm. It was two days after full moon night. The whole place was lit by the moon. We started pitching our tents facing the waterfront. After setting it all ready, we went for a scrumptious dinner.
Crazy Steps :P
And the Gala Night 
After dinner, we started to play antakshari and dumb charades around the campfire. After a while, we were dancing to few songs. Finally we went and sat silently near the waterfront sharing our best moments among one another.

Around 2 am, we went back to our tents to sleep.

At 5:15 am, my mobile went abuzz. I peeped out of my tent to check whether the sun rose. It was full misty outside, so I decided to sleep again.
Tents facing waterfront
Around 6:30 am, I got up. The view from the tent was awesome. I couldn’t resist myself from going out.
Three Musketeeers
It was indeed a perfect morning ever. Misty backdrop, Magnificent sun, Awesome Climate. All adding beauty to the alluring Sharavathi Backwaters.
Simply sitting alone in the waterfront observing the tweeting of birds, lulling of water and glimmering of sun had made my day.
"The real beauty lies in the simplest of things around you. It’s you who don’t find time to appreciate those."
I returned back home with mind full of memories and heart full of content.

Month of Trip        - March'16
No of days of Trip - 2 days
Overall Trip cost   - INR 4100